Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wedding: All in the Details

Weddings are a beautiful thing. Lots of planning goes in to them. Every bit of it is totally worth it though. I had to go to 7 alterations I believe, its hard to remember now but we finally got it right. Three hair trial runs, make up trial run, cake tasting and designing, flower planning, had to get a sparkler permit and lots of sparklers, buying candy for the candy bar (that was fun!), designing the program was one of my favourites (I designed my invites, rsvp cards, programs, and thank you cars. Its a side hobby), and a lot more. I'm sure a lot of it wasn't always noticed but I think it made for a beautiful once in a lifetime day for my husband and I with our family & friends. 

Happy Sunday. 

The flowers were better than I could have imagined. I loved my bouquet.

Yes, this is an electrical outlet! I think its amazing. Michael is an electrician so he designed it. Genius huh?! 

1 comment:

  1. Your ring is gorgeous! Love the shoes too. Beautiful details, thanks for sharing!


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