Thursday, September 15, 2011


Shirt - Express
Shorts - NY & Co.
Belt - JC Penney's
Shoes - Steve Madden
Ring & Bangles - Gift

These pictures were taken at Texas Woman's University (TWU), my university. It is so beautiful and I will be posting a lot of pictures from here. I couldn't help but keep laughing at my friend Dani as you can see in the first picture. At some point I will sneak a picture in of her when she doesn't know. She is the best photographer a girl could have.
 This is one of my favorite shirts, I bought it a few years ago when I felt like I needed a more mature piece and now look at me, now I'm wearing it tied at the bottom haha. It's okay my look has still matured and it should because I am about to graduate and move on into the real world. I will be talking more about that later as the semester comes to an end.

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