Friday, February 22, 2013

Country Lovin'

Tonight Mike & I are learning some country moves. It may be surprising but not all Texans are born two stepping. Plus I'm not a born Texan just a raised Texan. As they say, "I wasn't born here but I got here as fast as I could!" Anyways, we are dancing the night away until it is time for our concert. We are going to see J.D. McPherson he has a traditional rock n' roll sound, I would recommend giving him a listen or two! What are your fun weekend plans? 

Outfit Details:
Chambray: IheartRonson
Blouse: The Gap
Skirt & Necklaces: Forever21
Bag: Fossil
Watch: Michael Kors
Earrings: Gift
Boots: A boutique that sadly is no longer open

Also as a side note this week I was a featured blogger along with a few other wonderful ladies at Lauren

I feel incredibly blessed, thank you so much.


  1. Have fun! As a Texan myself, I definitely wasn't born two steppin' ;)

    I've been eyeing that necklace at F21, I think you've convinced me to go and get it!

    kristina in retroworter

  2. Well I would say go for it! I've worn mine almost almost everyday since I bought it.

    Susan Sagone

  3. Love this outfit! The boots and the skirt are made for each other. And congratulations for being featured on Lauren Conrad!

  4. Thanks! I love any occasion that I get to wear them. :)

    Susan Sagone


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